Naʻau Hilo is a social enterprise, dedicated to supporting causes in alignment with our mission, and where there is a distinct need to help the people of Hawaiʻi.   

We currently operate just twice a week, averaging 10 guests a night.  We have limited resources compared to a typical restaurant, and encounter a unique set of challenges.   What some places make in revenue in a single night takes us three months to make.   Despite the circumstances, Chef Brian and his co-founder sacrifice their own resources in order to support team members, suppliers, and the community as a whole. 

Click below to find out more about our Naʻau Giving initiatives.

Community Funding


Nominate to Experience Naʻau


Workshops / Speaking Engagements

We are currently seeking commercial property (building, restaurants, land) in order to further our mission.  If you or someone you know has property to sell or lease, please email us at

If you would like to donate resources to any of our initiatives, you may email us at  Monetary donations towards any of our Naʻau Giving initiatives can be made to our Venmo @Naau-Hilo.